Answering Tyler's Most Commonly Asked Mouse Questions

mouse in a jar

A good rodent is a gone rodent. Mice are some of the most common home-invading pests of Tyler, especially during the cooler winter months. A lack of food and warmth often push these creatures into human homes for the holidays, creating a host of problems wherever they roam. They are easily identified by their large round ears, grey and brown fur, and small 3-4 inch sizes. 
Despite their prevalence in human living spaces, there are many questions that homeowners have about mice activity and behaviors. That’s why Pest-Pro Services is proud to answer some of Tyler’s most frequently asked questions about mice inside and outside the home. 

Can Mice Climb Walls?

Let's give you the complicated answer first: yes and no.
Mice have the ability to jump up to a foot in the air when pressed. While this is not enough to climb a wall, it is certainly enough to give them a head start. What’s more, some varieties of mice have been known to climb 13” up a smooth vertical wall. When these abilities are compounded together, it may be inferred that mice have the ability to climb walls -- only partially. 

Can Mice See In The Dark? 

Now for some good news! No, mice cannot see in the dark. Rodents in generally have particularly poor vision, and often rely on their other senses (such as hearing and smell) to get around. Their intrinsically poor eyesight will not prevent them from avoiding your DIY mouse traps and treatments, however.

What Attracts Mice In The House?

Mice are attracted by the same factors that draw humans to a home: food, water, and shelter. That said, there's also more avoidable factors that draw mice closer, such as access to entry points or cluttered environments. 

How Do I Keep Mice Out Of My House? 

There are several ways to mitigate mouse activity from your Baltimore home, beginning with the occlusion of attractant factors. These include: 

  • Storing all trash and food waste in garbage bags or sealed bins.  
  • Running a dehumidifier to reduce air moisture, as well as repairing clogged drains or leaky pipes that could be producing water puddles. 
  • Closing off all entry points to the home by caulking crevices, checking door sweeps, and replacing window screens on a regular basis.

In most cases, the best way to prevent mice from entering your home in the first place is to invest in regular pest control treatments. 

Does Spotting One Mouse In The House Mean I Have An Infestation? 

In almost all cases, spotting even a single mouse in the home guarantees a further infestation. Mice reproduce every 21 days, and raise large litters to boot. This gestation speed allows rodents to grow exponentially and incubate large infestations in almost no time. 

How Do I Get Rid Of Mice? 

There are many internet sources that claim DIY remedies and over the counter treatments are the best possible solutions for mice infestations. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Many of these remedies are tricky to apply and even dangerous to human and pet health. In addition, they are much more expensive and require a good deal more time than any professional pest control agent.
To get rid of mice fast and restore your peace of mind, contact the professional mouse eliminators at Pest-Pro Services right away. Offering a Quarterly, Platinum, and Platinum Plus service plan to each of our Baltimore customers, rodent infestations are dealt with in the blink of an eye. 
Call your local Pest-Pro Services office today and get your free in-home inspection now.