Why Home Insurance Will Not Cover Termite Damage In Longview

termite damage in Longview

When you invest in home insurance, you invest in protection against uncontrollable life events that could potentially damage or destroy your home. On the surface, your coverage provider advertises things like hurricane, fire, flood, and storm protection. These are all natural disasters that are outside of your control as a homeowner. What you may not know is that your insurance company most likely considers termite damage as within your control. They consider termite damage as something that could have been avoided with home maintenance. That being said, if your home does not have termite protection already in place, there has never been a better time to seek out options than right now.

How To Spot A Termite Infestation

By their nature, termites are a wood destroying pest. Often times they are drawn onto properties by natural sources of wood such as trees, mulch/soil, and other foliage debris. After they have found these things close to your home, if conditions are right, they may choose to invade further, tunneling into your home’s structural wood silently, destroying it from the inside out. Much of the time this happens without homeowner's knowledge and leaves them shocked months after when they begin to see the major signs of the damages termites have caused. With that said, here are some quick ways you can evaluate your home for termites and the damage they leave behind.

  • Check your foundation for termite mud tubes. These tubes are will appear pencil sized and are used as bridges for termites to get from the soil around your home to its wood.
  • If you've noticed warped floors or walls that sound hollow (when they shouldn't be), it could be because termites are eating the wood below the surface.
  • Take a look around your home for any leaks or water build up that could be affecting the wood of your home. Although this is not a definite sign of termites. It is a good way of knowing your home is appetizing to termites and could be drawing in or have already drawn in termites.

What To Do If Your Home Has Termites

If you evaluate your home and find termite damage or signs that termites could be around, consider letting the technicians here at Pest-Pro Services have a look. We have the tools and experience needed to not only identify if you have a current termite problem but to also set up defenses against any and all future termites. Consider this your home insurance against termites. If knowing your home is termite free will bring you more peace of mind, give us a call today! We would be more than happy to lend a helping hand.pest control services can help the readers solve their problems. Conclude your blog with a call to action such as “contact us to learn more about our services…” to encourage your readers to reach out.