The Problems Associated With Rodents In Tyler

mouse in a tea cup

With you, your family, and your pets residing in your house, there’s not much room for unwelcome guests, such as rodents. These pests can cause serious problems in your Tyler home. Both rats and mice commonly invade, and these pesky creatures can bring headaches to your life unless you understand how to prevent them.

Rodents To Be On The Lookout For In Tyler, Texas

Common rodents include deer mice, house mice, Norway rats, and roof rats. They invade your home, damage your property, consume your food, and can cause serious health issues to both you, your family, and your pets. However, it’s important to know if you are dealing with a rat or a mouse.

Here are a few key characteristics so you can identify which rodent you are dealing with:


  • Have gray-colored fur, usually with a cream-colored belly. Deer mice tend to be brown and white.
  • Have a body length up to 3 ¾ inches long. Deer mice can grow up to 8 inches long. 
  • Have a tail that can grow to 4 inches long.
  • Have a pointed muzzle.
  • Have a round, plump body shape.
  • Have large, furry ears


  • Are generally gray if they are roof rats, while Norway Rats are generally brown. 
  • Have a body length of 6-9 inches.
  • Have an elongated body and are usually heavier than mice. 
  • Normally have a scaly tail.

These creatures are some of the most common rodents in our area and will readily make your house their home.

Destruction Rodents Can Cause In Your Tyler Home

Gnawing and chewing are some of the favorite activities of the common household rodent. They can cause damage to walls, furniture, fabrics, office supplies, and most anything they deem fit for their nesting and survival, including electrical wiring, framing, and siding, which can lead to serious structural damage.

Rodents will ravage your food supplies, insulation, wardrobe, and beloved knick-knacks. They aren’t exactly picky when it comes to what they will and will not destroy. The destruction caused by rodents can bring severe disruption to your household. However, these pesky creatures can also have harmful effects on your health and well-being.

Health Hazards Posed By Rodents In Your Home

Rodents are notorious for causing adverse health effects and could do the same to your family and pets. Their droppings (fecal matter) can cause serious illnesses, like salmonella, for example. Urine, fur, and droppings can also cause allergic reactions and allergy spells, especially for those with allergy sensitivities. Not to mention, rodents cause serious sanitation issues due to their waste and habits.

Rodent bites cause the most serious issues to your health. Rat-bite fever could be one result of a bite, and you should seek medical attention if you have come into physical contact with a rodent or been bitten by one. Your pets are also at risk with respect to their health. Rodents bring fleas, ticks, and lice with them that can affect both you, your dog, your cat, or any other pet you might own.

Call The Experts At Pest-Pro Services, Inc. To Tackle Your Rodent Issue

Rodents are not forgiving when it comes to your health or property. The safest, most effective way to control a rodent infestation is to call the pros at Pest-Pro Services, Inc. As a family-owned company, we place a high priority on taking care of residential pest control and commercial pest management needs, including rodent issues. Contact us today for a free estimate.