The Key To Successfully Preventing Termite Damage In Longview

termite damage on wood

If your home or commercial property is infested with termites, you should get concerned about structural damage. Most termite species eat nearly anything containing cellulose, causing billions of dollars in structural damage annually. So it's recommended to consult a Longview pest control expert to help you identify and implement an effective termite control plan.

Why Termites Are So Destructive

Termites in Longview cause so much destruction to commercial properties and homes because they're active 24/7. Their colonies and inhabitants rarely sleep. That means termite workers gather for the colony, digest it, and share it with the termite queen and soldiers. The queen lays new eggs continuously that will develop into more termite workers and soldiers.

A termite colony is so active that by the time you discover an infestation and schedule termite treatments, it has caused significant damage.

Know The Signs Of Termites

Here are the early signs of a potential termite infestation in your home.

  • Stuck doors and windows: Termites often target large areas like doorframes and windows, where wood is more exposed and easy to access. As they begin to eat through the wood, the frame is likely to warp, making it difficult to open and close doors and windows properly.
  • Damage under the wallpaper or paint: Termites create tunnels (known as termite galleries) and small holes (known as exit holes) when feeding on wood paneling and cardboard. Signs of termite damage underneath wallpaper or paint include bubbling paint, small holes, peeling wallpaper, dented areas, and bulking wood.
  • Discarded wings and termite swarmers: Seeing termite swarmers in your home or commercial property is a telltale sign you have adult termites in your property. Since swarmers are often attracted to light, they will likely hang around windows and doors.
  • Mud tubes: These tubes often start from the ground upwards to windows and other areas with exposed wood. These tubes protect termites from the dryness in the air. If you see mud tubes on the sides of your home, you can confirm termite infestation by breaking off part of the tube. Check for live termites.
  • Termite droppings: Also known as frass, termite droppings are another sign of termite infestation. As these pests eat through wooden parts of a structure, they digest and push it to the colony to prevent buildup. A professional termite and pest control expert can help identify frass and determine the extent of an infestation.

Five Tactics For Preventing Termites On Your Property

Here are the five tactics for preventing termites from entering and spreading in your home;

  1. Minimize moisture around your home's foundation and fix improper drainage.
  2. Declutter and clear mulch away from your home's foundation.
  3. Trim back all overgrown bushes and overhanging tree branches.
  4. Have a trained and licensed termite control expert inspect your home or commercial property.
  5. Stack lumber, firewood, and all cellulose products away from your home's walls, foundation, and basement.

One of the reasons termite infestations cause extensive structural damage is that they cannot be detected easily. Thus, seeking a professional's help to inspect your property and implement preventive measures is a wise choice.

The Best Way To Prevent Termite Damage In Longview

Detecting hidden termites requires a trained eye. Instead of implementing DIY termite prevention methods, contact a reputable termite control company Pest-Pro Services, Inc. Such companies provide comprehensive property inspections to identify all kinds of termites and determine the extent of the infestation.

Armed with this information and integrative pest control techniques, a professional can help get rid of termites and implement measures to prevent future infestations. This is the most effective way to prevent termite damage in your Longview property.