The Trick To Combating Rodent Infestations In Tyler

two brown rats

Rodents can invade Tyler's homes throughout the year. While everyone’s house might be at risk of a rodent infestation, certain homes are more likely to see rodents crawling around because they have many different types of attractants on their property. 

If you have tried everything but are still seeing rodents lurking around your property, Pest-Pro knows just how to help. Unlike other rodent extermination companies, we don’t take the one-size-fits-all approach when eradicating a rodent infestation. Instead, we get down to the root cause of the problem and try to devise a solution that will eliminate and prevent future infestations. 

Here is a look at some of the different things you can do to keep rodents away from your home.

Types Of Rodents That Invade Tyler Homes

In Tyler, mice and rats are the most common rodents known to invade residential properties. They have similar looks; however, they each have several unique characteristics that allow you to tell them apart easily. 

Mice are usually small. Their fur-covered bodies are typically tan, brown, or gray, measuring 2 to 4 inches long. One of their most distinguishing features is their long, thin tails that are almost entirely hairless and measure about the same length as their body. 

Rats look like mice, but they are much larger. On average, a rat’s body can measure 7 to 9 inches long. Their tails are also long and can measure the same length as their body. But unlike mice, a rat’s tail is completely hairless and can sometimes be scaly as well. 

Both rats and mice are more active at night than during the day. If you see or hear a lot of rodent activity in your home after the sun goes down, you should contact a rodent control specialist as soon as possible. 

Why Rodents Are More Than Just A Nuisance

Rodents can cause devastating destruction inside your home. Some rodents can fit through small holes and gaps measuring less than an inch wide. If a particular opening is not big enough, they will use their sharp teeth to chew around the hole to make it bigger. Once they are inside your home, the chewing and gnawing won’t stop. They will destroy any object they come across. Some things our rodent exterminators see chewed up and destroyed by rodents include:

  • Drywall
  • Furniture
  • Clothing
  • Cabinets
  • Food packages
  • Power cords 
  • Appliances
  • Electrical wiring systems

In addition to destroying your home, they can also spread a variety of diseases, such as leptospirosis and hantavirus. Once rodents have invaded your home, the only way to keep your home and yourself safe is to team up with a pest control company specializing in rodent removal. 

When To Call The Pros For Your Rodent Problem

A rodent infestation is not something you should handle alone. While you might only see one or two rodents in your home, you could have several hundred of these little creatures hiding and destroying other parts of your home. 

You should notify a professional residential rodent control company at the first sign of a rodent invasion to reduce the damage caused by these pests. 

Proactive Tips To Prevent Future Rodent Infestations

To prevent future rodent infestations, consider converting any openings around your home with material that is difficult for rodents to chew through. Metal mesh screens and steel wool are two popular choices that help to slow the rodents down. 

Another way to keep rodents out of your home is to contact the professional rodent exterminators at Pest-Pro. We can devise a customized preventative plan to deter rodents from your Tyler home and keep it rodent-free all year.