What Do I Do If I Think My Longview Home Has Termites?

termites on dirt floor

What would you rather have inside your home, a bug that might sting you or a bug that might eat your home’s wood? This is a hard decision. Stinging insects are scary and pose an immediate threat. Wood-destroying insects, on the other hand, are not directly threatening. In fact, they are quite quiet. This is why they are a problem.

Today, we are going to talk about the most prevalent and destructive wood-destroying insects in Longview: termites. Our team will discuss options to get and keep this pest out of your home. If you think these pests are already inside your home, bring in the professionals at Pest-Pro. We will prioritize your well-being and offer fast-working termite control services to deal with the problem at hand.

What Are Termites?

Termites are insects. They are not, however, like the insects you might know. These bugs do not crawl around through the grass, buzz around flowers, or congregate on the exterior of homes. No. They live underground or within structures of wood. They do this to keep their bodies moist. Even termite swarmers, who can fly, cannot live for more than an hour above ground without drying out. They won’t even leave their nest unless it has rained recently and the air is humid.

If there is one thing you need to know about termites it is that they like eating wood and other items that contain cellulose, like sticks, leaves, cardboard, and newspaper. If your property offers tasty treats like these, these bugs will want to be around. 

How Much Damage Can Termites Cause?

A house fire is much more destructive than termites. This is because it causes damage faster. This does not mean, however, that termites cannot cause the same amount of damage, given enough time. These pests chew through structural wood slowly and expand their colonies as they do so.

Sometimes, termites create new nests through the process of budding or swarming. New colonies might turn right around and eat your home from a different angle. This is how problems compound upon themselves. Your job is to avoid a termite infestation. This is best done with a professional termite control plan. We will talk more about this in just a bit. 

Why Do I Have Termites In My Home?

We briefly mentioned what termites like to eat. What we have not talked about are the direct factors that might attract these pests to your property. The most common termite in our area is the subterranean termite. This species needs a lot of moisture to be happy. It looks for moisture in the things it eats. This includes your home’s wood

 If sections of your home are water-damaged, rotting, or in decay, these bugs will have a field day. If there are things like wet cardboard, leaf piles, sticks, dead stumps, logs, and organic clutter around your yard, these pests will want to build a nest on your property. This is how problems start.
How Do I Permanently Control Termites?

Getting rid of termites does not have to be a hassle. If you would like to snap your fingers and have these pests leave, do so by calling in the professionals. Pest-Pro is a local and dedicated pest control provider that specializes in termites.

Let us send one of our friendly technicians your way. Your expert will identify the extent of your termite problems and recommend a long-term solution to get and keep these pests out. Contact Pest-Pro to learn more about termite control near you and schedule a treatment for your Longview home and property.